Thursday, January 30, 2014

Inside Her Llewyn Davis

After writing it out, I realize now that title sounds like it could be either a film major's favorite new metaphor for intercourse or the name of the most boring porno ever. I'm envisioning something like a dude making love to a computer while folk music plays overhead. And now I'm not envisioning anything because that's gross.

My last two trips to the theatre can be summed up in one word: Fine. I love the Coens, so if they want to make a wandering and aimless movie about a loser with a good voice for folk then fine. A movie about a guy who falls in love with an earpiece, fine. Okay, so there's more to each of those stories than just that, but fine, whatever; it's difficult to care.

I think this was my face the whole time, too
So, two things have really struck me since seeing this - first, that there are at least two people I know who loooooved this movie and second I have been singing the songs in the shower for two weeks now. How do you do that; how do you make a movie one person cares nothing for and the other person absolutely sees immense value in and leave both singing your songs? There's either something significant about that or there isn't. Actually, I could say that about anything, so you know what just forget it.

He really loves that earpiece
The week after seeing Davis I though I'd rectify my disappointment by seeing Her. Oh brother. So, first things first, I disagree with Joaquin Phoenix having a mustache. Just, in general. Also, I have to applaud these people for sacrificing coolness for a more realistic future feel (no flying cars, but check out these pants - high waisted wool trousers are the new jeans)! And yet safety pins are still the most logical solution to keeping that camera on your smartphone thing above pocket level. Hmm.

Fine. It's fine; movies like these are going to appeal to some people a lot, and for that subset of languishing melancholy-loving individuals there isn't a whole lot of movies that do that. Outside of French cinema, I mean, and who wants to read subtitles like all the time? There's still a story being told here, and that's something. Or it's not, I don't know. But if I have to walk around singing this song, then so do you, so here.



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