Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Time To Edit, and I'm In the Best Shape of My Life!

Seriously, the best thing you can do for your body is enter into the editing process. That old gym membership will resurface from out of nowhere, and suddenly you can't edit your screenplay because you have to go workout. You can't work on your first 10, you have to do the dishes. Yeah, editing is good for basically every area of your life except the screenplay editing part. I am so well-groomed right now. I've been shaving my legs. I painted my toenails. I've been using that sunless tanner, consistently. I've been blogging! I'd be such an overwhelming success as a person right now if not for this darn screenplay I wrote and now have to fix up. I liken it to the birthing process (yes, eye rolling and sarcastic blurps akin to "how original" would be appropriate now). You birth this screenplay in all the pomp and furry of the delivery process, fast and painful, but mostly fast (this is like my third child, not that 29-hour-labor first child), and when it comes out it has all the regular baby parts, it's just looks hideous all covered in goo and what not. And I feel great because I can actually see what I've created, but then they place that thing in your arms and you get your first really good look at it and realize it'll be weeks before this baby doesn't look like some kind of alien freak. My screenplay is a little beyond alien freak. It was actually born kind of pretty, like those newborns with full heads of hair. But there's still a lot of work to do, and I want to get it done before school starts.

Oh yeah, I'm going to nursing school in the Fall. Let's not talk about that again, okay?

So as a motivational tactic, and because I've been making a habit of stealing whatever widget Sarah has, I've put in a little progress bar over to the right there. You see it now. I will update it to show my progress, if editing can be measured in terms of progress, so that you, but mostly me, can keep track of where I'm at. Hopefully, the shame of not finishing what I have already proclaimed as a certain fact, that I will finish this before that unmentionable August happening, will be sufficient enough to carry me all the way to the end of that bar. And now I must go. I have food blogs to catch up on (I started baking!).

Friday, June 26, 2009

48 Hour Film Project: meeting the first

Tonight I and my writing buddy/pitch partner/manager Elizabeth (who's excellent blog you can find at the bottom right of this page) attended our first ever meet&greet for the 48 hour film project. It's pretty much how it sounds: you get a team together and write, shoot and edit a film in 48 hours. According to the guy running this one, we'll all get together on the first night and pick out of a hat the genre of our film, then everyone is given the same prop, a character, and a line of dialogue, all which must be present in each 5-7 minute film. I am excited. As a writer, this is what you do. You find people in your area who like doing the same thing as you, you join these people in whatever capacity you can, and you all do what you like to do together. And granted, given only 48 hours, this thing might be terrible, but even so the experience must be worth something. Not just one something - a lot of somethings, at the very least. I'll say it again: I am excited!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Internet Up In Here!

Let's get right into it, shall we? I've been gone for a while, for a really long while. For a year while. Well, I'm back. Sorry for the delay, but moving on to bigger news: I've got internet up in my house! Most of you may miss the incredible feat this really represents, but this is the very first time I've ever in my whole adult life had internet in my very home. Can I tell you how weird it is to be posting this sitting on my couch and not drinking a $4 coffee drink? It's fantastic. I can't imagine letting my blog go for as long as I did this time around, what with the internet at my fingertips above and beyond regular midwest business hours. Crazy. All you who have had this luxury for so long, revisit the magic, the wonder of the world wide web, if only to remind yourselves of how excellent it is, because excellent it truly is. I try not to ascribe the word "love" to inanimate objects, but I love this internet!