Friday, July 23, 2010

A Crazy Outrageous, Almost Sacrilegious Plan To Write A Screenplay In Five Days (Maybe Five And A Half Days)

Yeah, that's about it. Summer school ends on Wednesday, and a week after that I leave for awesome island vacation/sister's wedding. After I get back, nursing school starts (blast you, nursing school!). I'll probably need the day before we leave to pack and buy airline appropriate sizes of hygiene products I already have, so that leaves basically five days to get this thing done (five and a half, maybe). Gentlemen, place your bets.

I'm both excited and terrified by this prospect. As I see it, this can go two ways: either my mind will be so freed by the fact that it has no expectations on it but to write a fantastic screenplay (no school, no work, probably no personal grooming) that it will spew out literary brilliance the likes of which the world has never seen, or my brain will seize up like a car engine that's run out of oil (I guess in this metaphor, the engine is my brain and the oil is...Oreos?). So yeah, I guess I'll just stock up on Oreos.

Can she do it!? Can such a plan ever really work? Should it even be attempted - can it be safe? Because I am literally the only person in the history of time to attempt to write a full-length, first draft screenplay in five days. Ever.

I'm probably going to gain some weight here.

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