Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An Overall Crappy Day

I had a really enjoyable post planned for today, about what I've been watching on TV lately. I love TV. But that will have to wait, because today was so all around crappy that the only thing to do is ramble shortly about it in a poorly-constructed post and then pout pensively while trying to watch Conan. Three things, really. My skin is bad right now, for starters. Probably the most trivial of the three, but girls you know how it feels when your skin is just not doing its best, and it's as if everything else in life is affected by it. Secondly, Blake Snyder died suddenly. If you don't know who he is, I have his blog linked down there to the right. This guy has taught me almost everything I know in the area of screenwriting. Plus, apparently he was a nice guy. Thirdly, and most suckingly, I've discovered that my big, very exciting screenplay idea I was so looking forward to writing has already been written. Script Shadow posted the idea from a represented writer who has not sold it yet. Basically, it's about a guy who finds a tree that grows actual for real money. That was my idea. I've had the idea since 2004. It was one of my first screenplays, and I never finished it. I finally revamped it, and was ready to go. Then this. They always tell you this will happen to you at some point, and I always thought for some reason it wouldn't happen to me so soon. Oh well. It's a good idea, I hope it gets made at some point and in some form. My form would have been preferable, but that's just the way my day was going anyhow. If it is any consolation to myself, I much prefer my approach to the story concept. But, then again, who doesn't like their own stuff better? Ah, suck.

Suck, suck, suck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Although that script shares your same concept, the execution is lacking. And even if it is purchased, it may never be made.

So if you feel compelled to write it -- write it! Especially if you've already broken the story (i.e. you have an outline/treatment).

Think about the iterations of the numerous crime/medical television dramas out there. What makes them different?

The characters.

Characters coupled with your voice will make your take on the idea unique. Will give it a life of its own, and your voice is something that can never be totally mimicked by other writers.

As writers, sometimes it's just our job to complete things. What may come next is always up to us. So if you feel a voice nudging you to write this story, don't ignore it.

Them's my unwarranted 2 cents.

-Roger Balfour