Saturday, February 16, 2008

Small Successes

When in the midst of a lengthy process such as getting published, it is important to maintain a steady stream of small, if not very small successes. In my particular case, success is when I need only send a query letter, as opposed to a whole proposal package, therefore cutting down on postage costs, which prolongs my life since then I will be able to buy groceries. Or, as happened just this week, I am able to use sample chapters returned by one agent, in a proposal package for another agent since the pages are still in such good shape. Lastly, I am quite proud of myself for successfully mailing off not one, but two queries this week, thus speeding along the process. Although, statistically speaking, twice as many queries will only result in twice as many rejections, I am willing to take the long-term risk for the short-term feeling of actual accomplishment.

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