Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Don't Have Time for This Right Now

Menfolk stumbling accidentally upon this post can just go ahead and move on their merry way right now because in this moment I have nothing for you and the talk is about to get all female up in here, so goodbye.

I would now like to address the completely irrational thought behaviors that I am experiencing due to a lack of balancing hormones circulating in my body and the fact that I am, at this very moment, awash with whatever hormone makes you a wining, crying melancholy bitch. I really should not be writing or even communicating with other life on any level right now, but I am just too overcome with the injustice of this whole bullshit system we call menstruation.

Bullshit, I say!

In addition to feeling actually crazy, I recently found out that successful writers appear to be neurologically similar to the mentally ill. So there are two distinct possibilities for my life going forward, and those are to either a). be a successful writer and predispose myself to mental illness or b). fail at being a successful writer, experience intermittent insanity on a monthly basis anyhow. HAHAHA - awesome! Not really. I want ice cream.

Period people, this is YOUR MOVIE!
And I don't have time for this right now because, you know what, I have very important writing to do that may or may not end up being something that someone else thinks is important and maybe will eventually lead to my, I don't know, entrance into a system that will inevitably lead to my mental demise. So, yeah, a little understanding and a box of wine and Emma Thompson would go a long way right now.

Also, in case you are also on your period and also feel like crying uncontrollably in public places and possibly even happen to live in New York, this is for you. Otherwise, generally speaking I'd say the spice aisle at your nearest grocer will suffice. Pick up some peanut butter and chocolate flavored cereal while you're there (something about the crunchiness and the flavor combination seems to quiet the demons for me).

The end!

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