Saturday, September 3, 2011

Out of the Frying Pan, Now Suspended in that Dead Space Preceding the Fire

What have I been doing!? No post since February! And the last two not real posts, anyway. Taking a look back, I Graduated nursing school (hip-hip-hooray), sold a house, moved to another state and now I have a whole month before I start my residency/job. So of course, I'm going to write a screenplay. No, not write a screenplay, finish a screenplay. A first draft of a screenplay. Yeah. That sounds good.

But what to write? I have a really fleshed out alien rom/com (I may have mentioned it), however looking back at all my notes and my first 50 pages I realized that time and distance had given me something: insight. It's terrible. I'm a terrible writer. It's almost ridiculous how blind you can be to your own terribleness.

So what now? Rescue this pile of worn out plot points and two-dimensional characters from their mediocre imprisonment, or start anew? Start anew with what? It's been two years since I've fleshed out anything; is this going to be like riding a bike (easy peasy) or playing Moonlight Sonata on the piano (not a chance in hell).

It's so depressing to spend time and energy on something you're not proud of, and I'm afraid I have at least four more scripts like this before I really hit some kind of stride. Might as well add this alien thing to the body count. Seriously, a romantic comedy with aliens? When has that ever worked? Ever?

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