Monday, June 30, 2008

The Art of Editing, OR Shoot Me Now and Get It Over With

Yes, only during the editing process can you truly appreciate just how pathetic and ill-equipped you are to produce anything of value to society. At no other time does the author have instilled in them a true loathing of oneself, a loathing rivalled only by the rejection of certain literary agents who shall at present remain nameless. Ah, I remember the good old days, when the creativity flowed through my nimble fingertips onto unsuspecting pages, transforming them into brilliant, living things with emotions and passions, and carefully constructed dialogue. Upon reviewing this masterpiece, however, I have discovered very little that does not reduce me to tears, or worse yet, nausea. Suddenly, this wonder that I have constructed, on further investigation, appears to be nothing more than a clumsy disaster, one that seems barely salvageable. But salvage it I must. Though every scene makes me cringe in the thought that it came from my own inadequate imagination, a disgrace to the very electronic device it was typed on, I shall press forward. I shall right this wrong. I shall avenge my former self who, with compromised judgment to say the least, brought forth on this planet such a compost of bile and dross! It shall be made clean!


ditty said...

Oh, how I feel your pain. Let me tell you, though, there's hope. It's just that you have to focus on the bits, however small they may be, that are good. Even if it means scrapping everything but the concept (as I'm doing now, and as I will do again for yet another concept I failed miserably to do justice). If the story's good, the writing can be fixed. Carry on, brave soldier!

Anonymous said...

"Bile and Dross" Ha! I doubt it. ;)
I just found your blog. So much fun to reconnect.
Good luck!